Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Contact Testers

Suitable for iChat 2.x and iChat 3

Testing with Another User

Use the Tables below to contact the various Test Accounts or Real people testers.

Table 1. These account names need to be added manually to your Buddy List.
Current Known test users (Be polite and Text a request first please).
Auto-Respond AccountsWhereaboutsCapabilitiesLevel of Expertise
appleu3test01 (AIM)Apple On Tiger:
Video only Reponses
Dummy: Auto-respond (No Need to Text)
appleu3test02 (AIM)AppleOn Tiger:
Video only Reponses
Dummy: Auto-respond (No Need to Text)
appleu3test03 (AIM)AppleOn Tiger:
Video only Reponses
Dummy: Auto-respond (No Need to Text)
ichatavtesting (AIM)Courtesy of Ryan Mathus
Occassionally on line
On Tiger:
Audio only and Video responses
Dummy: Auto-respond (No Need to Text)
RjinWI PC (AIM)Courtesy of Rj in WI
Occassionally on line
Video responses
Dummy: Auto-respond (No Need to Text)

Regarding the next Table. This has been edited in May 2006. It now includes the relevant screen name of the person (Where they have agreed). Their Apple ID is also listed which, in most cases, links to a profile at the Apple Discussions. This can be the Current discussions and in some it is the Profile in the Previous Discussions. With the Previous discussions you may find that if you have recently registered on the Apple Discussions you may find that you do not see the whole Profile and the iChat name is missing from the display.

Regarding the iChat name - some prefer arrangenments by email first - some list trial account @mac accounts that are not current email accounts, just to add to your fun.

Add the Test account name or the contact's account/screen name into your iChat Buddy List. I would suggest Texting first. Then you can double click the Video icon.

Table 2.

Defcom (UK)

Person/Apple Discussion NicknameiChat nameWhereaboutsCapabilitiesLevel of Expertise
Erik Bech Yellowknife. On Tiger.Contacting testing only.
Ralph Johns (UK)ralphjohnsr
Please Text first
Dorset, England. UKTiger: Can also host 4 ways (outside specs)
Panther at 10.3.9 possible still (iChat2)
Some networking/Router/Modem issues
and Contact testing
defcom1@mac.comLondon, UK Using Tiger. Can now host 4 way chats.Can sort some routers and contact testing
iChatAV for late Jaguar users
Ryan Mblindside953
Please Text first
Maryland. Jabber, iChat (AIM) testing and explanationsKnows more about Macs Than most
Occassional contact.
Paris, France.Using TigerContact Testing. Some Continental popular routers and modes
James A.
Please Text First
San Francisco Has PCs and Macs, 3- and 4-way hosting.PCs and Macs, routers, networking.
Gilbert N Taylorgiltaylor1@mac.comCape Cod, MA, USATiger with Jabber
Hosting 4 Way Chats
Contact Testing and Jabber set ups
Knowledgable Mac user
Jeremy VarnerPennsylvania On TigerKnowledgeable of Macs, contact for testing audio/video
Rj in WIrjinwi
Please text first
Appleton, WITiger with Jabber
includes Hosting 4 Way Chats
Contact Testing and Jabber set ups
Knowledgable Mac user
Please text
John HoltnqmacuserAustraliaTiger
includes Hosting 4 Way Chats
Contact Testing.
Long time Mac user
